The internet has become an inherent part of our lives. Be it households, corporates or the Government, everybody uses the internet. The internet comes with its own variety of risks. Often, financial transactions and security matters may be discussed using internet services. These activities get exposed to security risks, resulting in massive harmful data breaches. With time, there have been new and improved protection measures to avoid such risks. The future will have more evolved protection measures. At the same time, there will also be more online practices that hamper privacy. Read on to know the future of internet privacy.

Future of Internet Privacy

Extensive Encryption

Extensive Encryption

We all know that online business is the future. Despite associated risks, people will continue to use internet services in the future. To protect against data vulnerabilities, there is going to be extensive encryption. Nowadays, while sending secure emails, Whatsapp messages, during online data storage etc there is encryption. In the future, all types of web traffic will be encrypted by default. Here, encryption may be of any form like digital signatures, passwords, algorithms and more. The final goal will be to protect customers from getting exposed to fraudulent scammers and hackers. With encryption, there will be a massive decrease in online attacks.

Data Collection

It is a known and accepted fact that whenever you go online, companies are gathering your personal data. This consistent collection of data has left us with little to no personal privacy. Our favourite social media networks, Facebook, Twitter etc consistently capture our data. Whether we are buying groceries online, booking a holiday or browsing a website, the respective companies and Google collect our personal details and data. This is going to increase in the future. Future internet services will show a rise in data collection by corporates. While there are regulations like the GDPR in place to curb this, companies will come up with innovative ways to collect customer data.

Data Minimalism

While there will be an increase in data collection, the future of internet privacy will also include data minimalism. Data minimalism refers to only collecting the customer data that is essential for providing the services. Customers are becoming more and more aware of possible data breaches. As a result, they are much warier about sharing their personal info with companies. Customers are understanding how their online behaviour can expose their data. In the future, companies will have to ensure that they are only collecting the necessary data. Additionally, they must also be transparent about how they are using the data. In case corporates fail to do the above, customers will have the ability to delete any and all access to their data. This will transform the future of the Internet.

Online business is the future. With increasing dependability upon the internet comes rising security risks. Currently, most people choose convenience over data security, exposing their information to companies. Future internet services will show whether customers will start focusing on protecting their personal data, even if that means inconvenience for them. While there will be several protection measures in the future, it will become impossible to completely protect personal data until and unless people live off the grid, with zero online presence. With IoT, artificial intelligence and analytics, the future of internet privacy will be on rough grounds.